99 vidéos à voir avant de mourir
J’ai trouvé cette liste sur ce site. Il s’agit d’une sélection de 99 vidéos qui sont apparement le “must-to-see” de Youtube… Je n’ai pas eu le temps de tout mater (ha-ha) donc il se peut qu’il y ai des choses NSFW (Not Safe For Work). Attention aussi, il s’agit d’un concentré de “culture Interneto-américaine” mais comme je me dois de vous trouver une occupation de fin de journée, voici LA liste des vidéos virales à voir avant de mourir rentrer chez vous !
- Grape Stomp
- Charlie Bit Me
- Chocolate Rain
- Dancing Baby
- Post Secret
- Charlie The Unicorn
- Mentos and Diet Coke
- Numa Numa
- Peanut Butter Jelly Time
- George Lucas In Love
- You’re The Man Now Dog
- Yatta
- Star Wars Kid
- Bubb Rubb
- The Flying Spaghetti Monster
- Dramatic Chipmunk
- Homestar Runner
- GI Joe Pork Chop Sandwiches
- Fail Blog
- Skateboarding Dog
- All Your Base Are Belong To Us
- Winnebago Man
- We Like The Moon
- I Can Has Cheezburger
- Barney Vs. Tupac
- Shining
- Cute Overload
- Rick Roll
- Lazy Sunday
- David After The Dentist
- Powerthirst
- Christian The Lion
- Bert and Ernie Rap
- Lady Punch
- Leprechaun in Alabama
- Where The Hell Is Matt
- Boom Goes The Dynamite
- Breakdancing Baby
- Drunk Jeff Goldblum
- Scarlet Takes A Tumble
- Sepultura - Refuse resist (cover) By Gauchos
- Gay Mount Everest
- Afro Ninja
- Cop Shoots Himself In Leg In Classroom
- Tron Guy
- “Leave Britney Alone”
- Laughing Baby
- I’m the Juggernaut Bitch
- The Chairperson Falls
- Take On Me The Literal Version
- Bill O’Reilly Flips Out
- Don’t Tase Me Bro
- The Landlord
- Breakdancing Baby Kick
- The Pet Penguin
- Ms. South Carolina Answers A Question
- I’m F*#king Matt Damon
- Will It Blend
- Spaghetti Cat
- Tom Cruise Kills Oprah
- Little Superstar
- Chad Vader
- Pretty Much Everywhere It’s Going To Be Hot
- I Like Turtles
- Who Needs A Movie
- Jake E. Lee Shreds
- Hawaii Chair
- Aussie Party
- Hitler Plans Burning Man
- Flirting with Magic
- Look At The Horse
- Asian Backstreet Boys
- Leroy Jenkins
- Pinky The Cat
- Monkey Sniffs Finger
- Sneezing Panda
- Prison Inmates remake “Thriller”
- Techno Viking
- Ask A Ninja
- Best Man Trips and Ruins Wedding
- Best Wedding Toast Ever (Amy’s Song)
- Kitten Surprise (how to break up a cat fight)
- Katana Sword Infomercial Goes Wrong
- Matrix Ping Pong
- La Pequeña Prohibida
- Angry German Kid (translated)
- Evolution of Dance
- Ok Go – “Here It Goes Again”
- Battle at Kruger (lions vs. buffalos vs. crocodiles)
- Daft Hands
- Human Beatbox
- Most T-Shirts Worn At Once
- Zero G Dog
- Cuppy Cakes Song
- George Washington
- Scary Maze Prank
- Gay Referee
- Tranquilized Bear Hits Trampoline
- Reporter Gets A Fly In The Mouth
Allez, dites moi, laquelle vous a fait le plus marrer ?