99 vidéos à voir avant de mourir

par Korben ✨ -

J’ai trouvé cette liste sur ce site. Il s’agit d’une sélection de 99 vidéos qui sont apparement le “must-to-see” de Youtube… Je n’ai pas eu le temps de tout mater (ha-ha) donc il se peut qu’il y ai des choses NSFW (Not Safe For Work). Attention aussi, il s’agit d’un concentré de “culture Interneto-américaine” mais comme je me dois de vous trouver une occupation de fin de journée, voici LA liste des vidéos virales à voir avant de mourir rentrer chez vous !

  1. Grape Stomp
  2. Charlie Bit Me
  3. Chocolate Rain
  4. Dancing Baby
  5. Post Secret
  6. Charlie The Unicorn
  7. Mentos and Diet Coke
  8. Numa Numa
  9. Peanut Butter Jelly Time
  10. George Lucas In Love
  11. You’re The Man Now Dog
  12. Yatta
  13. Star Wars Kid
  14. Bubb Rubb
  15. The Flying Spaghetti Monster
  16. Dramatic Chipmunk
  17. Homestar Runner
  18. GI Joe Pork Chop Sandwiches
  19. Fail Blog
  20. Skateboarding Dog
  21. All Your Base Are Belong To Us
  22. Winnebago Man
  23. We Like The Moon
  24. I Can Has Cheezburger
  25. Barney Vs. Tupac
  26. Shining
  27. Cute Overload
  28. Rick Roll
  29. Lazy Sunday
  30. David After The Dentist
  31. Powerthirst
  32. Christian The Lion
  33. Bert and Ernie Rap
  34. Lady Punch
  35. Leprechaun in Alabama
  36. Where The Hell Is Matt
  37. Boom Goes The Dynamite
  38. Breakdancing Baby
  39. Drunk Jeff Goldblum
  40. Scarlet Takes A Tumble
  41. Sepultura - Refuse resist (cover) By Gauchos
  42. Gay Mount Everest
  43. Afro Ninja
  44. Cop Shoots Himself In Leg In Classroom
  45. Tron Guy
  46. “Leave Britney Alone”
  47. Laughing Baby
  48. I’m the Juggernaut Bitch
  49. The Chairperson Falls
  50. Take On Me The Literal Version
  51. Bill O’Reilly Flips Out
  52. Don’t Tase Me Bro
  53. The Landlord
  54. Breakdancing Baby Kick
  55. The Pet Penguin
  56. Ms. South Carolina Answers A Question
  57. I’m F*#king Matt Damon
  58. Will It Blend
  59. Spaghetti Cat
  60. Tom Cruise Kills Oprah
  61. Little Superstar
  62. Chad Vader
  63. Pretty Much Everywhere It’s Going To Be Hot
  64. I Like Turtles
  65. Who Needs A Movie
  66. Jake E. Lee Shreds
  67. Hawaii Chair
  68. Aussie Party
  69. Hitler Plans Burning Man
  70. Flirting with Magic
  71. Look At The Horse
  72. Asian Backstreet Boys
  73. Leroy Jenkins
  74. Pinky The Cat
  75. Monkey Sniffs Finger
  76. Sneezing Panda
  77. Prison Inmates remake “Thriller”
  78. Techno Viking
  79. Ask A Ninja
  80. Best Man Trips and Ruins Wedding
  81. Best Wedding Toast Ever (Amy’s Song)
  82. Kitten Surprise (how to break up a cat fight)
  83. Katana Sword Infomercial Goes Wrong
  84. Matrix Ping Pong
  85. La Pequeña Prohibida
  86. Angry German Kid (translated)
  87. Evolution of Dance
  88. Ok Go – “Here It Goes Again”
  89. Battle at Kruger (lions vs. buffalos vs. crocodiles)
  90. Daft Hands
  91. Human Beatbox
  92. Most T-Shirts Worn At Once
  93. Zero G Dog
  94. Cuppy Cakes Song
  95. George Washington
  96. Scary Maze Prank
  97. Gay Referee
  98. Tranquilized Bear Hits Trampoline
  99. Reporter Gets A Fly In The Mouth

Allez, dites moi, laquelle vous a fait le plus marrer ?