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L’exploit pour cracker la PlayStation 3 est dispo

PS3 hack

Je vous en parlais la semaine dernière, le hacker GeoHot annonçait sur son blog qu’il avait cracké la Playstation3 … Et bien il vient tout juste de publier l’exploit en question pour le plus grand bonheur de tous les autres hackers qui vont ainsi prendre le relai…

Il a demandé à la communauté qu’elle documente toutes ses trouvailles dans le Wiki psDev. L’exploit en question est téléchargeable ici avec les instructions.

geohot: well actually it's pretty simple
geohot: i allocate a piece of memory
geohot: using map_htab and write_htab, you can figure out the real address
of the memory
geohot: which is a big win, and something the hv shouldn't allow
geohot: i fill the htab with tons of entries pointing to that piece of
geohot: and since i allocated it, i can map it read/write
geohot: then, i deallocate the memory
geohot: all those entries are set to invalid
geohot: well while it's setting entries invalid, i glitch the memory control
geohot: the cache writeback misses the memory :)
geohot: and i have entries allowing r/w to a piece of memory the hypervisor
thinks is deallocated
geohot: then i create a virtual segment with the htab overlapping that piece
of memory i have
geohot: write an entry into the virtual segment htab allowing r/w to the main
segment htab
geohot: switch to virtual segment
geohot: write to main segment htab a r/w mapping of itself
geohot: switch back
geohot: PWNED
geohot: and would work if memory were encrypted or had ECC
geohot: the way i actually glitch the memory bus is really funny
geohot: i have a button on my FPGA board
geohot: that pulses low for 40ns
geohot: i set up the htab with the tons of entries
geohot: and spam press the button
geohot: right after i send the deallocate call

J’ai hâte de voir tout ce petit monde s’enflammer et inventer des centaines de choses à partir de ce hack, y compris des petites bidouilles ou des homebrews.

Si vous voulez plus d’infos, rendez vous sur le blog de GeoHot !

Encore merci à Prototux pour l’info

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