Ces développeurs qui streament

par Korben -

Qu’est ce qui est mieux qu’un Youtubeur ?

Un gamer qui streame sa partie en live.

Et qu’est ce qui est mieux qu’un gamer en live ?

Un DÉVELOPPEUR ou une DÉVELOPPEUSE qui streame ce qu’il ou elle code en live, évidemment !!

Mais pas forcément facile de les trouver.

Heureusement, tout est sur le github de Awesome Developer Streams, avec pour chacun sa spécialité, allant de NodeJS en passant par l’IoT sans oublier le C++ ou le reverse engineering.

Bref, de quoi apprendre en se divertissant. Même si Minimoi ne sera pas d’accord avec moi, je trouve ça plus cool que de voir de parfaits inconnus se refaire 20 000 fois le même niveau à Mario sur Twitch. ;-)

  • Suz Hinton - streaming: IoT, Web Development, Hardware Hacking, 3D Printing, Node.js, JavaScript
  • Feross Aboukhadijeh - streaming: JavaScript, Node.js, Frameworks, Developer Tooling, Web Development
  • Thorsten Lorenz - streaming: Node.js, Module Development, Developer Tooling, Web Development, JavaScript
  • Shirley Wu - streaming: Data Visualisation (DataViz), JavaScript, React
  • Sean Larkin - streaming: Webpack, OSS, JavaScript, Gaming
  • Kent C. Dodds - streaming: JavaScript, React, Web Development, Open Source, Node.js
  • Kyle Shevlin - streaming: React, JavaScript, Functional Programming, Web Development
  • Brian Clark - streaming: Node.js, JavaScript, IoT, Web Development, Swift
  • Yosh - streaming: OSS maintenance, Tooling Development, JavaScript, Node.js, Choo
  • Micah Elizabeth Scott - streaming: Reverse Engineering, Rust, C++, Hardware
  • Russell Hay - streaming: Rust, Functional Programming, Hardware, Generative Art
  • Collin Henderson - streaming: JavaScript, PHP, Laravel, Vue.js
  • Tim Ermilov - streaming: OSS, building things with JavaScript, React
  • Nicholas Brochu - streaming: Python, Serpent.AI Framework Dev, Machine Learning, AI, Computer Vision
  • Tierney Cyren - streaming: Node.js, Node.js Community Committee, JavaScript, Maintaining OSS Projects
  • Erik Guzman - streaming: JavaScript, Node.js, ReactJS, React Native, APIs, Web Development
  • Gary Kramlich - streaming: Pidgin Development, Convey Development, OSS Development, C, Golang, Python, JavaScript, Docker, Containers
  • Thomas Soerensen - streaming: Golang, PHP (Laravel), JavaScript
  • Sallar Kaboli - streaming: JavaScript, Node.js, Electron, React, OSS Projects, APIs
  • Pavithra Kodmad - streaming: JavaScript, CSS, Open Source Stuff
  • Mattias Petter Johansson - streaming: JavaScript, Node.js, Programming in general
  • HardlyDifficult - streaming: Game Development (Unity3D, C#), C# Programming, Cryptocurrency
  • RadicalFishGames - streaming: Game Development (JavaScript, WebGL) (Game: CrossCode)
  • Daniel Shiffman - streaming: JavaScript, Processing, P5.js, WebGL, Machine Learning, Algorithms
  • Casey Muratori - streaming: C, C++, Game Development, Algorithms
  • Ferris - streaming: Emulator Development, Demoscene Tools, Hardware Hacking, Rust, C, C++
  • Jeff Fritz - streaming: C#, .NET, ASP.NET, OSS and Pair Programming
  • Jessica Mak - streaming: C++, OpenGL, Game Development
  • Swizec Teller - streaming: JavaScript, React, D3
  • Sergio Cinos - streaming: JavaScript, React, Node.js, Full stack development
  • Ragnar Thor - streaming: JavaScript, React, Web Development, Open Source, Node.js
  • Alexander Simovic - streaming: Serverless, Node.js, JavaScript, Claudia.js, Chat bots, Web Development, OSS
  • Adam13531 - streaming: Node.js, JavaScript, React, PixiJS, Full Stack Development, Game Development
  • Luke Gorrie - streaming: C, Lua, RaptorJIT, R, Nix, Network drivers
  • Josh Hawkins - streaming: JavaScript, Node.js, Rust, Python, OSS Projects, Gaming
  • DrunkDevs - streaming: Game Development, Game Maker: Studio, Aseprite
  • Antonio Maiorano - streaming: Emulator Development, C++